Underwater Free Online eng sub mkv Without Sign Up Drama genre

Country Canada / Year 2020 / Tomatometer 6,3 / 10 / directed by William Eubank / / writed by Brian Duffield

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@ 10:18 theres a skeleton. Awwww I felt so bad when they ripped the octopus from under the rock. As a South African, I'm lowkey offended by how bad these South African accents are😂😂. Sooooo this is that Aquaman prequel about the Trench? Right? P. Being Underwater Is Just Like Being In Outer Space, No One Can Hear You Scream. No one Can Reach You If You're Ever In Trouble.

Sous pression free online activities. Hola😍 broder😇. Imagine a full squad of seal team 6 just passing and like which squad r u from. This drop made me mad. 19:12 Zombieland 2 Double Tap. 99.9% actual spanish 0.1% English Edit:nice Im the top comment.

Oh my Gosh I hope its ok for me too 🙀.

Well, there certainly are some creative liberties taken for Cthulhu

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on March 7, 2020 This is a movie that values its audience's time and doesn't screw around with a bunch of fluff. Within two minutes of the start we're blown into the action and racing against time for survival. We're harried and scraped through increasingly perilous situations, dire fates looming centimeters away from us as we try to figure out what's happening. But then the twist. And I won't spoil it, because I wasn't expecting it. But as a fan of movies who 'go for it' and aren't afraid to get weird to tell their movie gets WEIRD. And it's all over in 88 minutes. Including the Schwarzenegger-esque finale with close-ups and one-liners galore this film leaves you absolutely satisfied at the use of your time. This movie didn't get half the credit it deserved in theaters. It's The Abyss without extra hour of expository nonsense. It's a kinetic action film that moves its heroes along with the stakes--And then it gets weird and even more fun. Watch this movie. It's not going to give you a moral, it's not a political commentary, it's just a solid action film. Reviewed in the United States on April 14, 2020 Verified Purchase This movie allowed us to see, what we already knew! That Kristen Stewart is a fantastic actress that is often overlooked or prejudiced against. She along with the other cast delivered a great performance. Reviewed in the United States on April 14, 2020 Verified Purchase I really enjoyed this film. Stewart put on a hell of a performance. And the design of the movie was a visual treat. Yes, the are borrowing from Alien. But I don't think they were ever trying to hide that. Reviewed in the United States on April 18, 2020 Verified Purchase A third-rate Alien knockoff bolstered by surprisingly game on-screen talent and some decent atmospherics. The main issue here is a distinct lack of reason for being — Why are these characters and the barely-alluded-to corporation they work for drilling on this impossibly massive platform in the Mariana Trench? Why do the creatures look exceedingly terrestrial? Why does everyone have to strip to their skivvies to fit into their spac- I mean, *diving suits? Well, because the audience wants to see sparks fly as Kristen Stewart gets battered around by fleshy grotesques in her underwear. Stewart does an admirable job embodying the Ripley-mold, but her character is paper-thin and leaves little to attach to. Unlike the crew in Alien or any number of recent lesser retreads (like 2017's Life), the supporting characters here lack anything more than a single, perfunctory background motive for even existing. Cassel, Athie, and, surprisingly enough, TJ Miller do what they can to breathe a little life into their poorly drawn roles, but they never feel like people because they're never given an adequate chance to flesh themselves out. William Eubank's direction is similarly frustrating. His earlier work in 2012's The Signal was, at least visually, sensuous and intriguing, but here we see him recycle and often misuse the same tricks he used in that film, only with a much, much larger budget. Prepare yourselves for needless slow-down effects, too many mid/close ups, and largely unintelligible CGI set-pieces on the ocean-floor. To call the editing choppy would be an understatement, while admittedly pretty fitting; nearly every aspect of the film, from the action sequences to the story-telling at large, is hindered by what I can only assume was a slapdash effort to salvage a shipwreck of a production. You know you're in trouble when TJ Miller is the highlight of your movie... On the plus side, Underwater features inspired (if completely unrealistic) set and costume design — I love the armored, space-esque industrial diving suits, in particular. The cinematography is generally fine outside the muddied action set-pieces, and the concept across the board holds a lot of potential, albeit potential that's been delivered far better in the decades prior to this release. Overall, though, Underwater is far too light to stay at the depths it aims for. Reviewed in the United States on April 14, 2020 Verified Purchase Heard this movie got some mixed reviews so decided to check it out for myself. Super solid performances by the cast, especially from Kristen Stewart. Just the cinematography and special FX alone in this movie were really good. The story doesn't focus too much in one direction which I personally think was a good thing for this movie. It plays heavy on the suspense factor but doesn't depend too heavy on the creatures and the small twist at the end was really pleasant. Definitely worth the watch. Thanks for checking out my review! Reviewed in the United States on April 17, 2020 Verified Purchase This is a tense movie from start to finish... the acting is good, the enemy is mysterious and the sense of being closed in is real. There is no over-reliance on supposedly smart characters making dumb choices, which is nice. Further, this is a movie that just doesn't have any social axes to grind. It isn't a thinly veiled political "commentary" which is VERY rare right now. It's just a monster movie... imagine that! Side note: It's also one of the best Lovecraftian movies you'll come across. It sits perfectly within that universe. Reviewed in the United States on April 14, 2020 Verified Purchase Poor writing, unoriginal, no acting skills apparent, short. If you must see it, just watch the trailer and then get on with your life. Reviewed in the United States on April 15, 2020 Verified Purchase The essence of mysterium tremendum et fascinans almost done right. That which is mysterious, tremendous and fascinating all at once. An ode to Jaws and those like it. The movie wastes no time on buildup of unnecessary details. A couple of key points I'd say it dropped the ball. Namely on reveals going too far. It's easy to screw this up though so it's forgivable. Some other details which didn't make sense which I won't go into here. You'll see! It didn't flip any tables or stir anything super imaginative. What it does is keep you watching until the end which is good. It didn't go crazy with Mary Sue power or pushing any politics. Just a decent underwater horror flick. It's worth the rental price IMO.

I'm new here, this is the first movie I've watched on this channel. what a movie! loved it. well worth watching, you won't be disappointed. Morgz copied you guys. Hollywood: here is 50 remakes of previous movies, everyone enjoy. Hype as hell this shit is legit as lit. What a brilliant track 👍. Underwater: The World where you can fly but cant breathe. D iving into the January release schedule, unofficial dumping ground of studios, can give one a sinking feeling here in the US. After being spoiled by the extravagant riches of awards season, a brief, packed period overflowing with high-quality films crafted with care and precision, we’re then given malformed byproducts, perhaps promising on paper but quite often punishing on screen. Previous years have offered the Matthew McConaughey stinker Serenity, the masochistically unfunny spoof Fifty Shades of Black and, just last week, an entirely unnecessary redo of The Grudge. Filmed three years ago and finally being unleashed on audiences with minimal fanfare, the Alien-aping sci-fi thriller Underwater is the most frustrating kind of January movie: one that’s almost, kind of, nearly, worth seeing. It’s a good movie that got soggy, turning it into an average one instead, a script with blurred pages, ink seeping into one big murky splurge. The setup is simple, and loosely familiar to genre fans. A crew of aquatic researchers are left in disarray when an earthquake destroys most of their facility. They’re unsure what caused it but there are concerns that the drilling team they work alongside have found something that should have been left buried. You know the deal. For a while, Underwater’s brisk goofiness is, if anything, a refreshing palate cleanser after the more serious-minded offerings of late. There’s an impressively ominous scene-setter as we glide all the way down, accompanied by an unsettlingly sinister score, and once we’re onboard, we’re thrown straight into the action as our heroine, played by Kristen Stewart, fights to survive a tense sequence of destruction. It continues to move along at a fair lick and while for the most part, it recalls better, smarter examples of the genre, the bare minimum is done well enough. But as the last act comes into view, so does a creeping realisation that, er, that’s all there is because when the formula does allow space for innovation, the script from Brian Duffield and Adam Cozad sticks a bit too closely to well-recycled beats, originated in Alien and never far from our screens since. When the crew members inevitably start getting picked off, their death scenes, because of the film’s mass-audience-pleasing PG-13 rating, are largely incoherent. At one point a character has to remind someone, and us, that a death actually did just occur. It’s of course entirely possible to construct a film such as this with a lower rating in mind, but the script’s insistence on including theoretically gory moments suggests that a neutering has taken place and sloppy studio tampering has left the movie hopelessly defanged. The three years that it has taken for the film to reach us has aged it in a number of ways but most notably in the decision to cast TJ Miller as comedy support, a tiresome jester who has since been mercifully pushed aside by the industry. He’s especially grating here, spewing unfunny quips to a cast of actors who find it hard to suppress their fatigue. Kristen Stewart in Underwater. Photograph: Alan Markfield It has not been a great time for Stewart of late, an actor who had managed, quite brilliantly, to escape the shadow of the Twilight franchise to become an intriguingly unknowable arthouse darling. But her excursions back into the mainstream continue to be ill-advised, and while she tried her best to bring life to Elizabeth Banks’s shoddy Charlie’s Angels script, the film proved to be one of 2019’s biggest flops. She’s decent enough here in a role that mostly requires her to recite technical jargon and fix things while in her underwear, a directorial decision employed so often that it starts to border on creepy. Her character also conforms to the sci-fi rule that dictates that a female lead must also be grieving, but while it added pathos to both Gravity and Arrival, it feels tacked-on here, and a late stage attempt to add emotional resonance sinks fast. What frustrates me most about Underwater is just how very little it brings to the table. It’s a solid, competently directed regurgitation of an oft-told tale that never manages to justify its existence. With a budget of around $80m, that is not good enough. As I entered the screening I was handed a scrap of paper that implored me not to reveal any of the film’s “surprises and plot twists” and as I left, I was scratching my head trying to figure out what those were supposed to be. The only surprise here is why film-makers are still trying to remake Alien rather than trying to make something new. Underwater is out in the US on 10 January and in the UK on 31 January.

WOAH OKAY. The moment I saw Tyler, I gasped so loud that I choked. 🤣 Im gonna watch this. Totally will. I love these two actors.

With teeth of size of Brock Lesnar's fists xD.

What do You do with all those sunglasses? Shell them.

Wow i didnt see the ending awesome. I like the cool song this is mathfacter360s intro im gonna make this my intro.

“Goodbye Toby!” is all I heard throughout this trailer

That's how you know they discovered something, when they make a movie about it in detail. Hints of truth y'all...


This started the pacific rim. She seems sooooo confident lately 🥺. Wish i could find treasure.

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